
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Acronoyms and Geeks

Geeks LOVE acronoyms! They may not know it but they do. So today a friend posted a picture of their new tattoo of a pelican with a comment that it was a SCA thing.

I promptly messaged D and asked what SCA meant
D: we are smart....we can figure this out
Me: google isnt helpful
D: Self....
Me: sexual compulsives anonymous?
D: Sickle Cell Anemeia
Me: surgical care affiliates
D: Sensor Chip Assembly
Me: Scottsdale Christian Academy
D: ahh you nailed it
D: Sea Cadet Association

Sarah: Society for Creative Anachronism. My nerd-dress-up-history club. The Order of the Pelican is their lifetime service award, basically, and one of the biggest honors they have for people who do cool shit for the organization.

WTF! Out nerded.... smh